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Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR) at 弗吉尼亚理工大学

弗吉尼亚理工大学于2018年开始使用SRAR,以使所有申请人更容易获得申请过程, 不管他们学校有多少资源,也不管订购成绩单的费用有多少. By giving applicants the ability to self-report their transcripts, we can ensure that if a student wants to apply to 弗吉尼亚理工大学, they can do that - on their own terms and at their own pace. 这也有助于加快网上赌博网站十大排行的申请审查过程,因为网上赌博网站十大排行收到了超过2份的申请,每年有1000所高中. The SRAR provides a simple and uniform transcript format for our staff to review.

What is a Self-Reported Academic Record?

一份自我报告的学术记录让申请人在申请过程中处于主导地位. Applicants will self-report their coursework, 成绩, 和考试成绩(如果适用),并在申请审查过程中取代成绩单.

申请人将根据其决策计划类型在适当的截止日期前完成SRAR. 请注意,如果录取通知书被接受,则需要在入学期限之前提供正式成绩单.

Who needs to fill out a Self-Reported Academic Record?

Applicants who meet the following criteria are required to submit an SRAR:

  • 在美国只上过高中或在家接受教育的一年级申请者.S. will need to submit an SRAR for application review.
  • 在美国只修过学院/大学课程的转学申请者.S. will need to submit an SRAR for application review.

How do I access the Self-Reported Academic Record?

Your SRAR will be accessed through the 申请人门户. After applying for admission, 您将收到一封电子邮件,邀请您在72小时内为申请人门户创建登录凭据. 一旦你登录到 申请人门户, t在这里 will be a link to directly access the SRAR. This is the only way we recommend accessing the SRAR, as it will automatically link to your application. 从外部链接访问SRAR可能会延迟或禁止网上赌博网站十大排行将您的SRAR链接到您的应用程序.

How do I start my Self-Reported Academic Record?

  • Log into your 申请人门户
  • Access your SRAR through the link in your 门户网站
  • Select your Student Type as Freshman/First Year or Transfer
    • Transfer-specific SRAR tips can be found 在这里
  • Enter your school information and the dates attended
    • Please note: School names come from College Board. If you do not find your school immediately, 请使用你的正式学校名称的不同变体,看看你的学校名称是否被建议
  • Select your school's grading scale and how your final 成绩 will be provided
    • 选择正确的评分标准是非常重要的,因为这将有助于课程和成绩部分适当填充
  • 如果需要, 在开始输入课程和成绩之前,重复此过程添加其他学校
    • 注意:这包括添加你可能已经完成双注册课程的机构

How do I enter my courses and 成绩 on the Self-Reported Academic Record?

  • 确保你有一份成绩单的复印件,因为你要输入的所有课程和成绩都和成绩单上的一模一样。
    • Do not change any formatting of your 成绩 or add any weight
    • 不要四舍五入你的成绩
    • Do not provide grade averages
    • Do not add + or - to letter 成绩 unless they are on your transcript that way
  • Enter GPA / Class Rank information as it is reported on your transcript; if your school does not report GPA or class rank, 你将选择 that option
  • All courses need to be reported - including electives, 重复的课程, 失败的, or withdrawn from; your current coursework should also be included and listed as in progress
  • 一年级申请者, if you received high school credit for a course in middle school, it should be entered on your SRAR
  • All completed courses need to include a grade; if the course is currently in progress, 你将选择 In Progress from the Grade dropdown menu
  • Enter the following information for each course on your SRAR:
    • 主题领域(从下拉列表中选择-示例:数学,世界语言,历史等.)
    • Generic Course Title (Selected from a drop-down list - examples: Pre-Calculus, 西班牙语1, 世界历史, 等.)
    • 课程名称(这将是一个自由文本字段,应该与您的成绩单上的内容完全一致)
    • 课程级别(从下拉列表中选择-例如:AP, IB, Regents,双注册,AICE等.)
      • For any Dual Enrollment courses that are also listed as AP or IB by your school, 请将其输入为双注册,并列出您的成绩单上显示的课程名称
    • Course Length (Selected from a drop-down list - examples: Full Year, 学期, 三个月, 在线课程, 等.)
    • 年级(从下拉列表中选择,该下拉列表由进入学校时选择的评分标准填充)
  • Save your SRAR and return to it as needed before submission, 但一定要查看“审查/提交”选项卡,确保你的输入是完整的,并根据你的学术材料的决策计划类型在截止日期前提交.

How do I enter test scores on the Self-Reported Academic Record?

  • 在SRAR上输入任何考试成绩之前,请确保您有分数报告的副本,因为您的分数应该完全匹配
  • 学生可以通过SRAR提交SAT、ACT、CLEP、IB、AP、Duolingo、托福和雅思成绩
  • If you selected on your application for your ACT or SAT test scores to be reviewed, 一定要选择 “Yes – make my test scores available” on the Enter Exams tab on the SRAR to share your ACT or SAT scores with 弗吉尼亚理工大学
    • 当你选择yes时, you will be required to select the test type for the scores you would like to provide
    • You will be required to provide ACT or SAT scores before submitting the SRAR
    • 你需要报告的成绩是SAT数学和基于证据的阅读和写作部分和/或ACT综合成绩, 数学, 英语, 阅读, 和科学部. 
      • 注意:网上赌博网站十大排行不使用ACT的阅读或科学成绩,尽管它们是SRAR提交的要求
    • SAT写作和写作 & 语言部分和ACT写作将不被考虑在你的申请审查中
  • If you do not want your ACT or SAT scores reviewed, but still want to share other scores, 你将选择 “No – do not make my test scores available” 考试可选指定问题,你仍然有机会分享CLEP, IB, AP, Duolingo, 托福考试, 或雅思成绩
  • If offered and you choose to attend 弗吉尼亚理工大学, you will be required to provide official score report(s)

When will 弗吉尼亚理工大学 receive my Self-Reported Academic Record?

We typically receive SRARs within 48 hours of submission. 您可以通过您的申请人门户网站跟踪您的申请材料及其状态.

Do I still need to fill out the coursework section on Common App?

通用应用程序要求完成课程作业部分,但弗吉尼亚理工大学不会接收或使用该信息. SRAR需要填写并收到,您的申请才被认为是完整的.

What if I need help while completing the Self-Reported Academic Record?

For any technical issues that you are experiencing, we recommend that you reach out to SRAR directly through the 帮助选项卡在你的SRAR. 在提交帮助票之前,您还可以在帮助选项卡上查看一些常见问题. 在您创建登录凭据后访问SRAR或您的申请人门户网站时遇到任何问题, please contact 本科招生 at admissions@aaay5.com or 540-231-6267.